We are experienced personal property appraisers with each of us having over 30 years’ experience in our respective fields. Specializing in Antiques, Decorative Arts, Jewelry, Silver, Coins, Coin Collections, Artwork, Oriental Rugs, Clocks, Watches, Books, Folk Art, Decoys, Fire Arms, Oriental Rugs, European and American Ceramics. Valuations of personal property may be completed for the following purposes: Insurance Coverage, Estate or Inheritance Taxes, Equitable Distribution between family members, and Charitable Contribution. Our clients include Attorneys, Probate Courts, Banks, Trust Departments, Estate Planners, and Private Individuals.

All appraisals are completed and billed based upon an hourly fee structure, never upon the values assigned to your property. The personal property appraisal and the report will be prepared in accordance with Treasury Reg. 20.2032 IRS Rules for Decedent Estates, and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
Insurance appraisals reflect the cost of replacing Property in the retail marketplace. Fair Market Value Appraisals are used for estate, tax, and equitable distribution purposes. Fair market value is determined by what a willing buyer would pay a willing seller. Whichever method is required, we will prepare a complete listing and description of all property appraised.

Estate Planning
Probate Decedent Estate
Insurance Coverage and Claims
Equitable Distribution
USPAP Certified - Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
GPPA, Graduate Personal Property Appraiser
CAGA, Certified Appraisers Guild of America
For more information regarding appraisal services, please or call for a confidential consultation.